The song “Love comes and love goes” is based on the poem “I folkvise ton” by Nils Ferlin. It is love explained, uncomplicated and beautiful.
Nils Ferlin (1898–1961) was one of the most recognized poets in Sweden. He was born in Värmland, and later on moved to Rörstrandsgatan i Birkastan, Stockholm. The same street where my dad grew up and had his student home. Nils was one of my grand dad’s favorites – actually they look alike. When you visit Stockholm, you can see his slim appearance as a statue at the Nils Ferlin Square, next to Klara Church. He used to be friends with the most senior neighbor Lola in my house at Södermalm, when her husband who was musician still lived. She called him Nisse. Nisse Ferlin. /Johanna
“Kärleken kommer och kärleken går” /”Love comes and love goes” (Nils Ferlin) Lyrics in Swedish and English:
Kärleken kommer och kärleken går, ingen kan tyda dess lagar. Men dej vill jag följa i vinter och vår och alla min levnads dagar.Mitt hjärta är ditt, ditt hjärta är mitt och aldrig jag lämnar det åter. Min lycka är din, din lycka är min och gråten är min när du gråter.Kärleken är så förunderligt stark, kuvas av intet i världen. Rosor slår ut ur den hårdaste mark som sol över mörka gärden. Mitt hjärta är ditt, |
Love comes and love goes, no one can decipher its laws. But I want to follow you, during winter and spring and all the days of my life.My heart is yours, your heart is mine and I never leave it again. My happiness is yours, Your happiness is mine and the tears are mine when you cry.Love is so marvelously strong, enslaved by naught in the world. Roses hit out hard ground as sun over dark yard. My heart is yours, |